Friday, August 6, 2010

The Walk Is Part Of the Gift

There is a Native American story about a schoolboy who appreciated his teacher and wanted to give her a gift she would enjoy. He knew that his teacher loved seashells. One weekend, the boy walked to the ocean—a twenty-mile distance—found a beautiful shell and walked back home. Monday morning, the boy gave his teacher the shell. She thought it was beautiful. It took a moment, but then it dawned on her what the boy had gone through in order to give her the gift. She asked the boy, "You mean you walked all that way to the ocean and back just to give me this shell?" The boy looked at his teacher, and with a tear in his eye, he said, "The long walk is part of the gift."

It can be tremendously easy to gloss over the suffering of Jesus, even while believing in His sacrificial death on our behalf. I confess that I over the years, I have become desensitized to the words of the gospels describing what Jesus went through. It's as if my mind passes quickly over Jesus' suffering and moves to the resurrection. The resurrection, of course, is the "feel good" part of the story! Everyone loves a happy ending! And we know that the "good news" of Jesus' resurrection is the ultimate happy ending! Yet, we would do well to linger a bit more on the Scriptures that tell the story of the pain and agony He undertook on our behalf to provide us with the gift of a restored relationship with God.

We must never forget nor take for granted Jesus' suffering as — "the long walk is part of the gift." As the prophet Isaiah foretold, "By his wounds, we are healed." Today, may we gain a fresh understanding of the extent and cost of God's love.

Written by Jim Liebelt

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Look Back!

It's funny but every now and then when I am holding my daughter, she looks back to make sure it's still me...

Isn't it the same thing we do with God? Even though we know that He has promised not to leave our side, we still find ourselves glancing back every now and then to make sure He's still there... And to our amazement, He still is! He was there yesterday, He is here today, and He will be here tomorrow too:)

Thank you Lord for being here always... even when I deserve to be left:)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Door

Sam Shoemaker sat down to write his philosophy of life, and he penned this work of prose:

I stand by the door. I neither go too far in, nor stay too far out. The door is the most important door in the world- It is the door through which men walk when they find God. There's no use my going way inside, and staying there, When so many are still outside and they, as much as I, Crave to know where the door is. And all that so many ever find is only the wall where a door ought to be. They creep along the wall like blind men, with outstretched, groping hands. Feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door, yet they never find it... So I stand by the door. The most tremendous thing in the world is for men to find that door-the door to God.*