Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Turning Over A New Leaf

It's fun to see how fast our children grow up. It seems just like yesterday he was trying to turn over on his own. Tonight he has me chasing him around the golf course trying to keep up with his new found running skills.

As we walked onto the course Noah discovered a big brown leaf. One quite a bit bigger than the usual 2 inch ones he finds laying around the yard. But this one was intriguing to him. It was HUGE! His interest in his new found glory was so strong that he carried around for the duration of our play date. And then finally he tried to eat it:)

Funny how we find such great pleasure in simple and new things. I hope and pray that everyday of my life I discover something new enough to inspire me, much like my son was today. Faith like a child...

Matthew 18:33
Then he said, "I tell you the truth, you must change and become like little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. "

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