Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Turn Around, Turn Around"

I'm reminded of an old song with the following lyrics:

"Where are you goin' my little one, little one?
Where are you goin' my baby my own?
Turn around and you're two
Turn around and you're four
Turn around and you're a young girl
Going out the door

Turn around and you're tiny
Turn around and you're grown
Turn around and you're a young wife
With babes of your own"

Every time I "turn around" it seems that life is passing by. Christmas has come and gone. Wow, it seems to go by so fast. I had a great time this year trying to take it all in but it seems just like yesterday I was getting married... and now my wife and I are decorating our nursery for "Noah"'s arrival in Feb 15th... Not many "turn arounds" in between:)

I pray that my son doesn't grow up to quickly and that I can slowly take in all the wonders that God has planned for our lives.

Be careful how fast you turn around, or you may miss it:)



Anonymous said...

That's beautiful! Will you sing me that song later=) I love're gonna be a great Dad! You're already a great hubby=)

Jackie Fuller

Heather Palacios said...

Good word, Papi-to-be! Every moment, thru Noah's eyes will be a moment of wonder. For him...and for you. :)