Wednesday, January 7, 2009

11/9/7-Behind The Music!

"The One Thing" from FRC Sawgrass on Vimeo.

Perhaps one of my most nerve racking moments of life was on November 9th, 2007 at my wedding reception... I was going to sing Jackie this song called "The One Thing" by Paul Coleman but it took all that was within me to not talk myself out of it... I was so NERVOUS!!! But I did it and it was a very memorable experience... unfortunately, no one was there to capture it on film... but we did manage to catch my pregame warm-ups in the green room:)

Thanks Heredes for capturing this moment for us... and more importantly hanging on to it for 14 months!!!

We thought all memories of this moment were gone until now. And thanks to Ricky for supplying the stellar BGV's!!!



all day (allen d) said...

i remember that day Bro. it was very special. Thanks for sharing this with us!

Arturo de la Mora said...

Hey Bro... those are memories for lifetime. God bless you always with your beloved and the baby is on its way!

mynameiscoia said...

You should have pulled out a Coia original to seal the deal

The Varcas said...

Hy, just catching up on blogs and a little late on this one...

I remember the day well.
I thought you were gonna faint!
You didn't.
I ALMOST cried.
You did.
Good Stuff!!